Invest NI

Brochure Content

The Challenge

As Northern Ireland’s business development agency, Invest Northern Ireland is responsible for providing client companies – across all industry sectors – with a range of capital and training supports aimed at helping them to grow their export markets.

In the case of the Agri-Tech sector, while they had produced a trade brochure – featuring each Agri- Tech client – a few years ago, the brochure was now outdated and in need of a refresh in order to present the companies in a positive light.

The Solution

Working as part of a team (of 5) writers, within the constraints of a tight deadline, we engaged with almost one hundred companies from the Agri-Tech sector across Northern Ireland – with a conversion rate of over 80%. The result was a high quality, vibrant, and well-designed brochure that gives these Invest NI client companies a strong international presence, and a solid platform from which to grow.

Did you know?

It is estimated that a new word is created every 98 minutes

Did you know?

Author Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a 50,000-word novel without once using the letter ‘E’!

Did you know?

4000 new words are added to the dictionary every year!

Did you know?

The most commonly used letter in the English language is 'E': it appears in approximately 11% of all words and is 57 times more common than 'Q'!. 

Did you know?

‘Queueing’ is the only word with five consecutive vowels: perfect for playing hangman!

Did you know?

Month, orange, silver, and purple do not rhyme with any other word

Did you know?

At 45 letters, “Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” - a type of lung disease – is the longest word in the English language

Did you know?

There are 7 ways to spell the sound ‘ee’ in English. This sentence contains all of them: ‘He believed Caesar could see people seizing the seas’

Did you know?

At 15 letters, ‘uncopyrightable’ is the longest word containing no repeating letters

Did you know?

At 8 letters, ‘aegilops’ is the longest word in English with all its letters in alphabetical order

Did you know?

At 6 letters, ‘eunoia’ is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels

Did you know?

Dreamt is the only word in the English language that ends in the letters ‘MT’

Did you know?

At 10 letters, ‘scraunched’ is the longest one syllable word in the English language.

Did you know?

At 3 letters, the shortest sentence in the English language is ‘I am’

Did you know?

At 7 letters, the longest word in the English language, without a vowel, is ‘rhythms’