Invest NI
Brochure Content
The Challenge
As Northern Ireland’s business development agency, Invest Northern Ireland is responsible for providing client companies – across all industry sectors – with a range of capital and training supports aimed at helping them to grow their export markets.
In the case of the Agri-Tech sector, while they had produced a trade brochure – featuring each Agri- Tech client – a few years ago, the brochure was now outdated and in need of a refresh in order to present the companies in a positive light.
The Solution
Working as part of a team (of 5) writers, within the constraints of a tight deadline, we engaged with almost one hundred companies from the Agri-Tech sector across Northern Ireland – with a conversion rate of over 80%. The result was a high quality, vibrant, and well-designed brochure that gives these Invest NI client companies a strong international presence, and a solid platform from which to grow.